Joe Rinaudo, founder of SCAT—The Silent Cinema Art & Technology Society—plays his American Fotoplayer in this segment from Huell Howser’s California Gold:
Joe Rinaudo, founder of SCAT—The Silent Cinema Art & Technology Society—plays his American Fotoplayer in this segment from Huell Howser’s California Gold:
The Silent Cinema Society, founded to preserve—
—is a community of, by and for everyone who is fascinated and entertained by silent cinema and its related talents and technology.
Whether it’s the history, the preservation, the machinery, the talent—or just curiosity and entertainment—that you are here for, welcome.
This website is just part of the commitment each of us has in keeping silent cinema alive. Some of us restore film and projectors, some provide live music at the organ or piano, and many boo, hiss and laugh from the audience as they are entertained in the fashion of the silent cinema era.
Please read more about the Silent Cinema Society here…